Although the young scholar’s face has not changed. But the anger in his eyes. With the chill, Yang Xiu’s scalp was numb.

I feel that the other person’s eyes are like the essence, sweeping from him, as if touched by some tentacles, giving him the illusion of being seen through. But he couldn’t hide, and suddenly there was a sense of powerlessness.
"This is the strength of the yuan baby monk? . Yang Xiu heart burst with.
Although he shot Mo Daolin, he didn’t fight head-on with the other side at that time, and he was completely attacked by bows and arrows. Therefore, he didn’t realize how much a monk was in infancy.
Moreover, Mo Daolin was promoted to Yuanying for less than two years, and he met the war between Nanling School and Shujianmen. So he also don’t have much time to consolidate, or Yang Xiu sneak attack, whether it can be successful or not.
Yang Xiu thought, before is really dismiss the yuan baby monk’s avatar.
See hide, however, he didn’t show the color of timidity, but look as usual, so as not to be looked down upon by the other side, let a person feel weak.
Anyway, the other party is now entangled in Tianxuan’s great-grandfather, and can’t come over. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be indifferent if he saw the twins killed just now. Otherwise, Yang Xiu can only escape now.
"Brother Yang should pay attention to" Scholar Yi Jian is famous, that old thief, and the twins we just killed are called "Shujian Shuangmei" as disciples who are famous! " Meng Yun reminded.
"Thank you, the teacher elder sister, for reminding Yang Xiu that although the surface is calm, but the bottom of my heart is a wry smile. I didn’t expect that in such a few days, I had already offended all the high-ranking monks of the book sword door. It seems that the days are hard in the future.
It’s best not to leave the Lushan Gate easily until you are a child. Yang Xiu made up his mind.
After seeing Yang Xiu’s appearance clearly, most monks in Jiedan period of Shujianmen were all Zheng, and then they looked complicated.
Although many monks saw that Yang Xiu and Meng Yun killed "Shujian Shuangmei", they couldn’t help but look angry, but at that time no one came up to find Yang Xiu’s trouble.
Obviously, the news that Yang Xiu wounded Mo Daolin shocked these people so much that they were afraid.
When Yang Xiu saw this, although all this was not the result he hoped to see, he could only accept this fact and immediately said to Meng Yun, "Since the senior sister has some injuries, why don’t we act together and take care of each other?"
Mainly when he saw the monk in the sword door of the book look at his eyes, all of them were on fire, but Bai Zhi and the ghost king could not be released to fight here. See also Meng Yun’s "Ning Lei Wan". The power is extraordinary, so I pull each other together and take good care of him later.
Meng Yun said, "It will be troublesome for younger brother."
See each other also grateful, Yang Xiu also embarrassed in my heart.
Hitman, first watch, support it.)

Chapter two hundred and twenty-five In accordance with the sword scholar
Fairy wild Chapter two hundred and twenty-five Scholar by sword
The field repair should try to avoid crowded places and be surrounded by the repair of the right door of the book.
Of course, it’s far away from the "sword scholar, making a name for himself", so how far it is, how far to avoid it, otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be freed by the other party, and that is really only for yourself.
In this way, wherever he and Meng Yun went, the monks who were alone in the sword door of the book, the Dan period and the foundation period, just avoided it, and there was no fighting mind at all.
So until now, he hasn’t fought with anyone again.
Seeing this result, he was also happy and relaxed. In this way and Meng Yun unhurriedly flew to those peripheral monks, and after scaring each other away, they moved on to another catty, the object.
So after a wick of incense, many monks in Shujianmen became six or seven people gathered together to cooperate with the attack and defense, and the idea of letting him be lazy was shattered.
However, now that he has stirred it up, the monks of Nanling Sect and Shujianmen have become completely different, waving flags on both sides.
Just as Yang Xiu was planning to return to the place where the Nanling monks gathered now, he saw a group of six people in Shujianmen, all of whom were monks in the later period of Jiedan. A face of dignified flying in his direction, seems to be ready to fight back.
"Elder martial sister, I think we should avoid it first?" See each other so seriously, Yang Xiu had to a wry smile in the heart, immediately suggested to Meng Yun.
He felt that Meng Yun had some resistance to this lazy practice, and even wanted to fight with each other. Although he knew that there was such a stubborn person in his death, he didn’t expect to meet him, so he had to persuade him.
In fact, Meng Yun doesn’t really like fighting, but he just wants to do his part for the sects. Instead of being lazy.
But to see each other so many high-ranking monks, and they are menacing, of course, she can see the situation clearly, so she had to avoid it with Yang Xiu again.
But ShuJianMen seems to be determined this time. Seeing Yang Xiu avoid it, he immediately followed. At the same time, the flying sword and magic weapon are all greeted, trying to confuse Yang Xiu’s fit.
However, Yang Xiu spread the wings of Qing Luan. It’s really not slow. If it weren’t for Meng Yun, he would have left alone. He would have flown to the place where the monks of Nanling Sect gathered.
"Sister Meng Beijie, we have sinned."
If you are entangled in each other this time, you don’t want the twins to be so easy to solve.
Therefore, seeing Meng Yun’s escape in the middle of Dan is not much faster than that in general. After looking at Brother Shujianmen, who is getting closer and closer behind him, he did not care about losing the market, and grabbed each other’s wrists. Then spread out. Fly to the place where most monks gather in Nanling.
Meng Yun’s weight, for Yang Xiu, can be said to be as light as nothing, so taking her won’t affect the degree of flight at all, but in an instant, it turns into a breeze. Fly out of the attack range of those monks in the later period of Jiedan who were chased by Shujianmen.
Seeing each other avoid the war, the monk of Shujiandan couldn’t either. It’s impossible to run into the other side’s camp. That’s not to lose the original intention of containment and become besieged? Therefore, I have to give up.

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随着人们生活水平的不断提高,休闲养生已经成为越来越多人的追求。长沙,这座充满活力的城市,不仅拥有丰富的历史文化和美食,更有着完善的休闲娱乐设施。在这座城市中,桑拿行业因其独特的服务理念和市场前景,正迅速崛起。为满足市场需求,长沙多家知名桑拿企业现正火热招募各类人才,诚邀您的加入,共创美好未来! 一、招聘岗位及要求 1. 桑拿技师 要求: (1)年龄18-45岁,男女不限; (2)具备一定的桑拿服务经验,熟悉各类桑拿项目; (3)形象气质佳,沟通能力强,有良好的服务意识; (4)持有相关资格证书者优先。 2. 桑拿服务员 要求: (1)年龄18-35岁,男女不限; (2)具备一定的服务意识,有良好的沟通能力; (3)形象气质佳,热爱服务工作; (4)无工作经验者也可报名,公司提供专业培训。 3. 桑拿销售顾问 要求: (1)年龄20-40岁,男女不限; (2)具备较强的沟通能力和谈判技巧; (3)有销售经验者优先; (4)形象气质佳,有团队合作精神。 二、薪资待遇 1. 桑拿技师:底薪+提成+奖金,月薪5000-10000元; 2. 桑拿服务员:底薪+提成,月薪3000-5000元; 3. 桑拿销售顾问:底薪+提成+奖金,月薪5000-15000元。 三、公司福利 1. 享受国家法定节假日及带薪年假; 2. 提供专业培训,助您快速成长; 3. 定期组织员工活动,丰富员工业余生活; 4. 良好的晋升空间,与公司共同发展。 四、联系方式 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱,或拨打联系电话:xxxx-xxxxxxx。公司将尽快安排面试。 长沙桑拿行业期待您的加入,让我们一起携手,共创辉煌!加入我们,您将获得: 1. 优质的职业发展平台; 2. 高效的工作团队; 3. 充满活力的工作氛围; 4. 完善的福利待遇。 赶快行动吧,加入长沙桑拿行业,开启您的新征程!我们在这里等您!

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