At this time, Meow Meow seems to be ignorant of everything around him, just jumping up and down to call Dad to wake up. From the soul, it can feel that Tang Qing has been hit hard, but her vitality is still strong, and she will not worry about her life. But meow meow is a monster beast after all. Naturally, she doesn’t know the meaning of the word "concussion" and can only express her sadness in her own way.

Within five breath, around Tang Qing’s body, far and near, dozens of figures have been pounced on. The nearest one is less than 30 meters away from Tang Qing. It’s like a vulture smelling carrion, pouncing on a fierce lion who can’t afford to fall to the ground.
Stuart brothers wry smile at one another, two people happen to coincide in the heart of despair, with the two of them, I’m afraid even in front of a few low-order monks can’t stop, let alone Chen Sapporo.
However, a fierce lion is a fierce lion after all. Even if it is injured, it is not comparable to a vulture, a creature that only matches decay.
Just as the crowd around them was red-eyed, screaming and crazy with excitement.
The body on the ground, or the bloody body, the young man with a very handsome face who seemed to kill God, bounced off with a sigh …
The voice is weak, but refreshing and firm; Pale face, but calm and resolute; His figure is a little shaky, but he is as strong as a pine on the top of the light.
The most important thing is, looking around in astonishment, the crowd stopped suddenly, and Tang Qing’s eyes were calm and indifferent, as if he had completely ignored them.
There is no fear, no worry, no regret, not even the fierce and ruthless decision before. If you must describe it, it is to ignore it.
Meow meow like a white lightning, whoosh straight up Tang Qing shoulder, repeatedly licking Tang Ye’s ears, intimacy.
A burly monk came from behind, and the speed was very fast. When he saw Tang Qing get up, he wanted to stop in fear, but he still couldn’t hold back and rushed to Tang Qing’s side. The big fellow’s eyes were wide open, his hands were raised in the air, and he stood there at a loss for a while.
He has been hiding in the previous battle and witnessed the whole process with his own eyes. If Tang Qing is in good condition, he won’t dare to go forward even if he borrows courage. Seeing both sides lose, this is greedy, and I rushed forward before I had time to think. Now Tang Qing suddenly broke up, but she didn’t know what to do.
Tang Qing bowed his head, looked at his brokeback, looked up with a sigh, and smiled at the big fellow very kindly.
"Spicy Gobi, let you down."
The big fellow opened his mouth, and his facial muscles seemed to be rigid, becoming various geometric shapes, tongue-tied, trying to say anything, but he couldn’t make a sound.
Judging from his appearance, he seems to want to cry.
Tang Qing didn’t bother him again, but slapped him directly to completely solve the big fellow’s problem.
There was a muffled sound, as if someone was choking on water and took a quick sip. Tang Qing’s random palm, together with the left arm raised by the big fellow, was shot into the distorted face. The big fellow’s head suddenly turned in a direction, but his body did not move. After standing for half a ring, he fell to the ground with a plop.
Tang Qing turned and faced countless people who were afraid, excited or confused. Eyes turned from calm to cold, as if there was a flame burning in it, emitting bursts of ice cold.
There was a crash, and dozens of people rushed around and ran away again. These people don’t even understand why, but subconsciously listen to the instinct of the body and stay away from this thin young man.
Except for one person.
Chen and Yin Yin smile, heart couldn’t help exulting. His speed is not good at it. If Tang Qing is taken away by others and Kyoto is in a mess, he has no hope of catching up. Now that’s great, the masters can’t bear it here, and the low hands are scared away by Tang Qing himself. Isn’t it just cheaper for themselves?
Thought of here, Chen and feel full of strength in the body, rushed forward more and more rapidly.
The scene in front of me made Chen Huang angry, and Tang Qing didn’t even look at him.
After the crowd dispersed around, Tang Qingchuao Stuart brothers made a sign, simply turned around, smiling, and greeted the Nangong Cold and others. Tang Ye noticed that Qian Yu’s girl had woken up from a coma and was running with tears on her face.
The little girl struggled to break free from the cold arms of Nangong, stumbling, and even seemed to forget to use the spiritual power. Like an ordinary mortal, she stumbled and ran forward, crying and laughing on her face, and she was confused.
The same is true of all the people behind them, whether they are Taoist immortals or iron sergeant, all of them are teary-eyed but smiling. Gao Chong even grinned and let out a scream that his father and mother remarried, which attracted bursts of response behind him.
In a short time, Tang Qing’s actions have perfectly displayed a certain image of himself, and these soldiers have also expressed their recognition and acceptance of Tang Ye in their purest and simplest way.
Many times, decades of acquaintance can’t catch up with the occasional words, and the neighborhood is not as good as a half-day military career.
It’s as simple as that
The Nangong cold has been under a heavy mental load for half a day, and his spirit is always under tension, and he often has the feeling of palpitations, which makes him very uneasy. At the moment, I couldn’t help laughing, just like the men in the army around me.
You know, Nangong Han is always an orthodox Confucian monk, even though he sometimes deliberately learns from Tang Qing and even imitates some crooked ways. According to Tang Qing, it is "sour" in the bones, which is hopeless.
But at this time, Nangong Han really let go of it once and enjoyed the sadness and pleasure of losing and gaining.
The only person who remains cautious is Ouyang Zhengming. The old man was really scared to death. His daughter is still with Tang Ye. If Tang Ye dies, who knows what will happen?
At this time, seeing that Tang Qing’s life was safe, the old man was both happy and worried. He quickly shouted, "Boss, watch your back."
Tang Ye smiled. In fact, Tang Qing, in terms of personality, should be the most unsuitable person to cultivate immortality. Nothing else, my feelings are too rich.
It’s an exaggeration to say that a monk is unfeeling, but it’s really inappropriate if he is worried too much. For the simplest example, the monk’s retreat is like sleeping. When he wakes up, he finds that his loved ones are all dead, leaving his children and grandchildren with new faces. What a decisive feeling it is.

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在这个快节奏的城市里,人们渴望找到一处能够放松身心、享受二人世界的私密空间。长沙,这座历史文化名城,近年来悄然兴起了一种新型的休闲方式——恋人共享桑拿。这种独特的桑拿体验,不仅能够帮助情侣们缓解压力,还能增进彼此的感情,成为都市恋人之间的一道别致风景线。 长沙恋人共享桑拿私密空间,位于长沙市一家高端酒店内,占地面积约200平方米。这里设有多个独立的小房间,每个房间都配有舒适的桑拿床、按摩椅以及独立的空调系统,确保每位顾客都能在私密的环境中尽情享受。 走进这个充满浪漫气息的桑拿空间,首先映入眼帘的是温馨的装饰和柔和的灯光。在这里,情侣们可以放下生活中的疲惫,尽情享受二人世界的美好时光。桑拿房内的温度适中,湿度适宜,让恋人们在蒸腾的水汽中放松身心,释放压力。 在共享桑拿私密空间,恋人可以共同体验以下项目: 1. 桑拿蒸浴:桑拿蒸浴有助于扩张毛孔,促进血液循环,排除体内毒素。在桑拿房内,恋人可以一边享受蒸浴,一边聊天,增进彼此的了解。 2. 按摩放松:桑拿房内设有专业的按摩椅,恋人可以在此互相按摩,缓解疲劳,增进感情。 3. 美容养颜:桑拿蒸浴后,皮肤毛孔扩张,此时进行美容护肤,效果更佳。恋人可以共同享受美容师的专业护理,让肌肤焕发青春光彩。 4. 个性化定制:为了满足不同情侣的需求,共享桑拿私密空间还提供个性化定制服务。恋人可以根据自己的喜好,选择不同的香薰、音乐、饮品等,打造专属的浪漫氛围。 在长沙恋人共享桑拿私密空间,情侣们不仅可以享受舒适的环境和专业的服务,还能体验到以下特色: 1. 安全卫生:为了保证每位顾客的隐私和健康,桑拿房内设有严格的消毒流程,确保环境清洁卫生。 2. 贴心服务:工作人员会根据顾客的需求,提供贴心的服务,如免费提供毛巾、浴巾、洗发水、沐浴露等。 3. 优质环境:共享桑拿私密空间地处繁华地段,交通便利,周边设施齐全,为情侣们提供了一个舒适的休闲场所。 总之,长沙恋人共享桑拿私密空间为都市恋人提供了一个独特的休闲方式。在这里,情侣们可以放下生活的重担,共同享受浪漫的时光,让感情更加深厚。在这个充满爱意的空间里,让我们一起度过美好的时光,让爱情在桑拿的蒸腾中绽放。

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