This afternoon, it was like an underfed animal constantly demanding everything from her, sometimes rough and sometimes gentle, and she finally couldn’t bear it, so he fainted and let her go.

Tired, she slept all afternoon.
Suddenly Song Danfu had a feeling that she loved Gu Yanchen and was with him. Gu Yanchen was on a business trip for a few days, and she was in a shallow bed. She was very white and didn’t force her. She couldn’t resist Gu Yanchen’s shallow touch and sank into him.
Last night, she was drunk. This afternoon, she was sober. Although she became sober later, it was because she was too shallow to be sober. It was a shame for her.
Raise my hand and rub those traces. Song Danfu has an idea in her heart that she must get rid of these traces:
Chapter 49 Dan fu wait for me
look after one’s family
The middle-aged housekeeper walked into the magnificent living room with a cup of scented tea, and saw Mrs. Gu sitting on the sofa and fiddling with a string of delicate beads. The brown beads were very transparent and even, and they were valuable at first glance.
"The old lady invited tea" scented tea was put in front of the old lady Gu, and the housekeeper’s eyes flashed with a fine mans.
"There’s no one here who doesn’t pretend." The beads slipped into the wrist and the old lady Gu slowly took the scented tea and took a sip. "Tell me what’s up."
"There are two things that the old lady wants to hear first." Laughter spread in the housekeeper’s face.
Gu old lady slowly looked up and saw the housekeeper without speaking, but with great momentum.
The housekeeper smiled brightly and said in a low voice, "The first thing was that Song Danfu was drunk last night and spent the night in Gu Qingyi’s apartment. It was only this evening that Gu Yanchen came back this afternoon and went to the company to find Song Danfu. It is conceivable that he couldn’t find anyone because Song Danfu was in Gu Qingyi’s apartment."
"Drunk" Gu Laotai’s mouth is full of ponder.
"Who knows whether it’s really drunk or fake drunk? Maybe it’s a means to seduce Gu Qing." The housekeeper smiled kindly.
"You are quite idle and have the idea to care about these." Put the teacup gracefully and look at the housekeeper from the old lady.
"The drama is about to begin." The housekeeper smiled like a fox and was eager to try. "I naturally want to pay attention to the progress and be ready to add fuel to the flames and make a string of appearances at any time."
Old lady Gu didn’t care about this. She asked, "Where is Xiaochen now?"
"Has Chen come back?" Song Xiaoling rushed to the old lady Gu as soon as she entered the living room. She eagerly asked, "Has Grandma Chen come back? Is he really back? Where is it?"
Looking at Song Xiaoling housekeeper straight frown expression and hate iron not to produce.
"Don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t be careful. Don’t forget that you are still pregnant with Xiao Chen." The old lady looked at Song Xiaoling softly and said, "Don’t worry that Xiao Chen will come back."
"I’m sorry," Song Xiaoling also realized that she was really careless, hung her eyes and blushed and said, "I was too worried about what I had done."
"Grandma knows" that the old lady understands her and reaches out to cover Song Xiaoling with a slight bulge. "You’re Xiao Chen’s wife and you’re still pregnant with his child. Where can you go if he doesn’t come back?"
"But Grandma," Song Xiaoling wanted to say something but was interrupted by the housekeeper. "The old lady and the young lady are ready to move to the restaurant for dinner."
"Good" should be the old lady Gu took Song Xiaoling’s hand. "Let’s go and eat first. Don’t starve you and my baby great-grandson."
Song Xiaoling also wanted to ask Mrs. Gu something nice and glared at the housekeeper with resentment as she walked into the restaurant.
Anger flashed through the housekeeper’s eyes and he immediately thought that his identity had not come.
Old lady Gu sees everything in her eyes and looks in her heart.
At the same time, Song Danfu walked out of the old apartment and sat on the sofa instead of going into the kitchen to find Gu Yanchen.
Before hitting Song Danfu, I saw a suitcase on the sofa. That’s Gu Yanchen’s suitcase, which means that he didn’t look back at home and came to her directly as soon as he came back. Song Danfu was in a complicated mood.
Gu Yanchen has no doubt about her feelings. Words can deceive people, but body words can’t deceive people. He may have other intentions about marrying Song Xiaoling without telling himself. She should listen to his explanation patiently.
She loves her brother, and there is no doubt that she can’t resist Gu Qingyi, and she also denies it.
Nowadays, the only way is to stay away from Gu Qing, and she can escape without giving him a chance to get close to herself.
She is the president of Guggenheim’s class, so she can’t stay away from him. If she doesn’t want to go to him honestly, what should she do? Why should she quit her job?
When hesitating, the coffee table phone rang. Song Danfu picked up the phone and saw that it was a family call. She formed a good habit before she walked into the kitchen. She never helped Gu Yanchen answer the phone.
"Brother Yan, it’s calling from your family." Song Danfu leaned against the kitchen door frame to Gu Yanchen, who was cutting vegetables, Yang Yang.
Gu Yanchen stopped washing his hands and walked towards her. She saw that she was wearing a turtleneck and wrapped herself up. Gu Yanchen frowned. "Is it really so cold to wear this at home?"
Song Danfu looked at his eyes and handed the phone noncommittally. Gu Yanchen took it and pressed the answer key to slowly overflow "grandma"
Song Danfu went back to the sofa and sat down. She didn’t worry about Gu Yanchen’s answer, but she could clearly hear what Gu Yanchen said.
"I have something to do and I’ll be back later." "I’m relieved that she has you to take care of me." "Grandma."
It was Gu Yanchen who said three words and then there was no sound. Then Song Danfu saw Gu Yanchen wearing an apron in front of his face and disappeared.
"Dan Fu" Gu Yanchen sat beside her and put her in her arms, which didn’t make it difficult for her to see him.
"Gu grandma must have something for you. You’d better go home quickly." Song Danfu leaned in his arms and heard her say this in a very calm tone.
"But you"
"I’m fine. I can take care of myself as an adult and I can’t cook. I can order takeout. The restaurant will be delivered in the building soon. I will never let myself be hungry." Song Danfu withdrew from his arms and continued, "Brother Yan, don’t worry about going back to your family quickly. Don’t keep grandma Gu waiting for a long time."
"I’ll let the nanny accompany you." Gu Yanchen wanted to stay with her even if she didn’t do anything beside her, but he didn’t want to violate grandma’s words.
"No, no, no," Song Danfu shook his head and joked, "Besides, everyone’s aunts have already gone home. Maybe now the family is sitting together for dinner. How bad is it for you to let her run again? Go home quickly and stop messing around."
"You are really good alone," he asked, still unable to rest assured.
"Absolutely no problem" Song Danfu promised.
"Well, I’ll call you later." Gu Yanchen picked up his coat and went to the door and said, "Danfu is waiting for me."
"Good" Song Danfu smiles brilliantly, and she knows how reluctantly she smiles.
She really doesn’t want him to leave for several days. In fact, she also wants him to add her and Gu Qing’s shallow things. She is very sorry. Gu Yanchen wants to compensate him more, and he hasn’t explained to her why he married Song Xiaoling and didn’t tell her anything.
All kinds of problems are with them. He will be confused when he leaves her at this time.
Gu Yanchen smiled. The door kept sinking away from Song Danfu’s heart, like an abyss, and it never sank to the end.

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导语:长沙,这座充满活力的城市,不仅有着悠久的历史文化,还有着丰富的现代娱乐设施。在这座城市的繁华之中,长沙皇冠假日酒店以其优雅的环境和一流的服务,为每一位到访者提供了一次难忘的SPA体验。本文将带您走进长沙皇冠假日酒店的SPA世界,感受身心灵的深度洗礼。 一、酒店环境 长沙皇冠假日酒店位于长沙市核心地段,毗邻岳麓山,环境优美,交通便利。酒店占地面积广阔,绿化覆盖率高,让人在繁忙的都市生活中感受到一份宁静与惬意。步入酒店,宽敞明亮的大堂,独具特色的装饰,让人仿佛置身于一个优雅的欧洲小镇。 二、SPA设施 长沙皇冠假日酒店的SPA中心占地面积达3000平方米,设有多个豪华理疗室、桑拿房、蒸汽房、冷泉池、水疗按摩池等设施。在这里,您可以尽情享受各种理疗项目,释放身心压力。 三、专业服务 长沙皇冠假日酒店的SPA中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,每位技师都经过严格的培训和考核,具备丰富的经验。在SPA过程中,他们会根据您的需求,为您量身定制个性化的理疗方案。在技师温柔的按摩下,您会感受到一股暖流从心底涌出,疲惫与焦虑一扫而空。 四、理疗项目 长沙皇冠假日酒店的SPA中心提供多种理疗项目,包括中式按摩、泰式按摩、瑞典式按摩、芳香疗法、面部护理、身体护理等。以下是一些受欢迎的项目: 1. 中式按摩:以中医理论为基础,结合按摩手法,达到舒缓筋骨、缓解疲劳的功效。 2. 泰式按摩:源自泰国,通过拉伸、敲打、按摩等手法,帮助身体放松,提高免疫力。 3. 芳香疗法:采用天然植物精油,通过嗅觉、触觉等途径,调节身心状态,缓解压力。 4. 面部护理:采用专业护理产品,针对不同肤质,提供针对性的护理,让您的肌肤焕发光彩。 五、总结 长沙皇冠假日酒店的SPA体验,让您在繁忙的生活中找到一片宁静的港湾。在这里,您可以尽情享受专业技师带来的按摩服务,感受身心灵的深度洗礼。如果您来长沙旅游,不妨在这里放松身心,为自己充充电,迎接美好的生活。

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在炎炎夏日,当大多数人选择避暑纳凉时,长沙机场T3航站楼的建设者们却在这高温的考验下,挥洒着汗水,书写着属于他们的奋斗篇章。这里,便是长沙机场高温体验区,一个充满挑战与激情的地方。 近日,长沙持续高温,气温高达35摄氏度以上。然而,在长沙机场T3航站楼项目现场,600余名施工及管理人员依然干得热火朝天。为了保证施工进度,他们采取“早晚为主、中午休息”的模式,合理安排施工时间,确保工程进度不受影响。 走进长沙机场高温体验区,首先映入眼帘的是一片繁忙的景象。挖掘机、装载机、混凝土搅拌车等各种施工机械轰鸣作响,工人们身着工作服,戴着安全帽,紧张而有序地进行着各项施工任务。尽管汗水湿透了他们的衣服,但他们依然坚守岗位,用实际行动诠释着“战高温,保进度”的信念。 在高温体验区,记者看到,项目A、B、C、D四个指廊非影响区已完成主体结构的50%。这背后,是建设者们夜以继日、辛勤付出的结果。为了保证施工质量,他们严格按照设计要求,对每一个环节进行严格把控,确保工程质量。 “高温天气对施工确实带来了很大的挑战,但我们也习惯了这种环境。”一位正在施工现场指挥的负责人说,“为了保证工程进度,我们采取了多项措施,如调整施工时间、加强现场管理、做好防暑降温工作等,确保施工顺利进行。” 在高温体验区,防暑降温工作尤为重要。施工现场配备了充足的防暑药品、饮用水和清凉油,确保工人们能够在酷暑中保持良好的工作状态。此外,施工方还定期组织医务人员为工人们进行健康检查,确保他们的身体健康。 长沙机场T3航站楼项目是湖南省重点工程,也是我国民航事业发展的一个重要里程碑。该项目建成后将进一步提升长沙机场的综合服务能力,满足旅客出行需求。在高温体验区,建设者们用实际行动诠释着“不忘初心,牢记使命”的精神,为我国民航事业的发展贡献着自己的力量。 面对高温的挑战,长沙机场T3航站楼的建设者们始终保持着昂扬的斗志。他们坚信,在大家的共同努力下,长沙机场T3航站楼一定会如期建成,为旅客带来更加便捷、舒适的出行体验。而这一切,都离不开这些在高温体验区挥洒汗水的建设者们。 让我们为这些战高温、筑梦想的建设者们点赞,祝愿他们身体健康,工作顺利,早日完成长沙机场T3航站楼的建设任务,为我国民航事业的发展再立新功!

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随着人们生活水平的不断提高,休闲养生已经成为越来越多人的追求。长沙,这座充满活力的城市,不仅拥有丰富的历史文化和美食,更有着完善的休闲娱乐设施。在这座城市中,桑拿行业因其独特的服务理念和市场前景,正迅速崛起。为满足市场需求,长沙多家知名桑拿企业现正火热招募各类人才,诚邀您的加入,共创美好未来! 一、招聘岗位及要求 1. 桑拿技师 要求: (1)年龄18-45岁,男女不限; (2)具备一定的桑拿服务经验,熟悉各类桑拿项目; (3)形象气质佳,沟通能力强,有良好的服务意识; (4)持有相关资格证书者优先。 2. 桑拿服务员 要求: (1)年龄18-35岁,男女不限; (2)具备一定的服务意识,有良好的沟通能力; (3)形象气质佳,热爱服务工作; (4)无工作经验者也可报名,公司提供专业培训。 3. 桑拿销售顾问 要求: (1)年龄20-40岁,男女不限; (2)具备较强的沟通能力和谈判技巧; (3)有销售经验者优先; (4)形象气质佳,有团队合作精神。 二、薪资待遇 1. 桑拿技师:底薪+提成+奖金,月薪5000-10000元; 2. 桑拿服务员:底薪+提成,月薪3000-5000元; 3. 桑拿销售顾问:底薪+提成+奖金,月薪5000-15000元。 三、公司福利 1. 享受国家法定节假日及带薪年假; 2. 提供专业培训,助您快速成长; 3. 定期组织员工活动,丰富员工业余生活; 4. 良好的晋升空间,与公司共同发展。 四、联系方式 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱,或拨打联系电话:xxxx-xxxxxxx。公司将尽快安排面试。 长沙桑拿行业期待您的加入,让我们一起携手,共创辉煌!加入我们,您将获得: 1. 优质的职业发展平台; 2. 高效的工作团队; 3. 充满活力的工作氛围; 4. 完善的福利待遇。 赶快行动吧,加入长沙桑拿行业,开启您的新征程!我们在这里等您!

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