Seeing that Chenchi was about to step up again, Tong Ru stopped talking nonsense and immediately said, "I called you here to talk to you about things!"

Chen Chi glanced at Tong Ru lightly. "I will decide whether to talk to you after reading the plan and sending it to my email."
"Aye, as far as I’m concerned, I still need to see the planning before deciding whether to talk to me? You also look down upon me a little … "
"Even if the person who appears in front of me at this moment is Buffett, I won’t talk to him until I see a plan that satisfies me."
Chen Chi said that he was arrogant and arrogant, but it was very convincing because of his indifferent tone.
"Okay, my horse will send you the plan, okay? I really don’t know what would want to be with you. "
Chen Chi threw a "then don’t close" and completely left TongRu behind.
TongRu in situ gas almost didn’t bite his teeth but can endure.
Chenchi stepped into the classroom at the moment when the bell rang, and put the handout on the podium and said "class"
Students, especially girls, are still immersed in Chenchi, which is more handsome today than before. After giving lectures in Chenchi, they have to give up appreciating Professor Chen’s handsome center.
As always, even a punctuation pause is important in Chenchi class from beginning to end.
However, before the class was completely over, Chenchi’s words suddenly vibrated. Chenchi would not answer the words in class, but made a gesture after seeing the number displayed by the desk phone and suspended the class.
Students at the end of the class can’t help but mutter that this kind of situation rarely happens. Professor Chen is usually very focused during class. All his attention will be focused on what he says, but today Professor Chen chose to suspend class when that word rang.
Did something happen?
Chen Chi didn’t care about the discussion, but took his mobile phone to the outside of the classroom and connected it.
"What’s the matter?" Chenchi’s eyes are dark beside the railing.
"Xia Xiaotian’s parents went to the hospital to visit him and said that he could not accept the result, and he also found a bunch of media. We won’t let them in, but now these media are very powerful …"
"Got it. You guys stay there and I’ll take care of it."
Hang up Chen Chi laughed and made a message to go out.
"If there is any news about Xia Xiaotian, it is not allowed to be released." Chen Chi’s tone is new. "Who wrote the report, you know what to do."
Section 157
Chen Chi’s face was cold and slowly disappeared before he returned to the classroom.
"You must be discussing who is calling this statement." Chen Chi threw his mobile phone at the lecture table with a cold smile on his lips. "Someone just asked me that I took a fancy to a good stock and wanted me to give him a technical analysis."
"But I told him that technical analysis is like a shiny signboard outside a casino that attracts you to go in and spend a lot of money."
"Well, I’m sorry for the delay. Let’s continue the class."
I have to say that Xia Xiaotian’s parents have a clear understanding of how to win the attention of the society now. After visiting Xia Xiaotian, they embellished Xia Xiaotian’s situation and selectively concealed it to some media, hoping that the media would send the news out.
In particular, there are many sensitive places involved in this incident, and some media have a premonition that this news is about to become a hot spot in the future.
But it’s a pity that all the materials and manuscripts they shot were typed back when they were handed over to the editor-in-chief and said, "This matter is not allowed to be followed up."
As a media, of course, you will know that this situation is of course due to some unspeakable reasons, that is, the news is too sensitive to be released.
The major media have been silenced. No, this matter.
But it happened that a media company didn’t know what it was to eat and let the news out …
Second watch, though a little less, I hope you don’t abandon hey hey.
☆, haper 57 punishment
When the news came out, Chenchi was still answering questions just after class, but he didn’t see it.
Or is there a classmate walking past him and talking, saying, "Did you see the news and didn’t report that summer is our school?"
Xia Xiaotian got into Chen Chi’s ear and let him look frozen immediately.
Finally, after answering a student’s question, Chenchi immediately left the classroom with a courseware and a mobile phone to watch the online news.
"A female student is not out of danger after being bullied."
"Female college students have an accident. The murderer has a tough background."
All kinds of news headlines with obvious orientation glanced at the online fermentation pool, and one of them had a click-through rate, and his mouth suddenly became cold with a smile.
After dropping the news, Chen Chi went back to the dialing page and called out again. "Can you explain to me what will come out of Xia Xiaotian’s news?"
"Chen Shao … we don’t know this. We did it as you told us, but the news didn’t know how it came out. We are now checking which one the news is, and immediately let them remove it …"
"You probably forgot what I said before." Chenchi’s tone is calm, but it has a heart-rending solemnity in it.
The voice of the people over there can’t help but tremble. "I’m sorry, I’ll deal with it immediately …"
"Waiting for you to deal with things has been solved by law."
"I promise to immediately remove the news and send rumors out …"
"I don’t want to see another report in half an hour."
Hang up the phone, but Chen Chi didn’t easily contact someone else to check behind the news media.
By this time, it is obviously not an ordinary event.
If we talk about the Xia family alone, they can’t do it at all. How bold is this media that Chenchi has banned the news?

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在现代都市的喧嚣中,人们总是渴望找到一处能够放松身心、远离尘嚣的场所。位于长沙市中心中央商务区的长沙喜来登大酒店,以其优雅的环境和一流的设施,为忙碌的都市人提供了一个理想的休闲去处。其中,酒店内的桑拿中心更是以其专业的服务和高品质的体验,成为了众多顾客心中的宁静港湾。 一、环境优雅,氛围静谧 长沙喜来登大酒店桑拿中心位于酒店内部,交通便利,环境优雅。步入桑拿中心,仿佛进入了一个与世隔绝的宁静世界。室内装饰简约而大气,墙壁上装饰着精美的艺术品,营造出一种轻松舒适的氛围。宽敞的休息区,设有舒适的躺椅,供顾客休息和交流。 二、设施齐全,专业服务 长沙喜来登大酒店桑拿中心拥有多种桑拿设施,包括传统桑拿、蒸汽桑拿、干蒸桑拿等。中心配备了先进的设备,确保顾客在享受桑拿的同时,能够感受到专业的服务。 1. 传统桑拿:采用天然木材建造,内部温度适宜,让顾客在高温环境中排出体内毒素,舒缓肌肉疲劳。 2. 蒸汽桑拿:利用高温蒸汽,使毛孔扩张,促进血液循环,有助于排出体内湿气和毒素。 3. 干蒸桑拿:在干燥环境中进行,有助于提高身体免疫力,缓解呼吸道疾病。 4. 冰泉浴:在桑拿后,体验冰泉浴,可以有效降低体温,收缩毛孔,使皮肤更加紧致。 桑拿中心还设有专业的按摩师,为顾客提供全身按摩、局部按摩、足疗等多种服务。按摩师技术娴熟,手法独特,能够有效缓解疲劳,舒缓压力。 三、休闲娱乐,丰富多样 长沙喜来登大酒店桑拿中心除了提供专业的桑拿和按摩服务外,还设有多种休闲娱乐设施,满足顾客的不同需求。 1. 足疗室:提供专业的足疗服务,帮助顾客缓解脚部疲劳,改善睡眠。 2. 蒸汽室:在高温环境下,有助于排出体内湿气,缓解关节炎等疾病。 3. 桑拿室:设有多个桑拿室,满足不同顾客的需求。 4. 室内泳池:在桑拿后,可在室内泳池畅游,享受清凉的水域。 5. 屋顶花园:在桑拿中心顶部,设有美丽的屋顶花园,供顾客欣赏美景、放松心情。 总结: 长沙喜来登大酒店桑拿中心以其优雅的环境、齐全的设施、专业的服务和丰富的休闲娱乐项目,成为了都市繁华中的一片宁静港湾。在这里,顾客可以尽情放松身心,享受一段美好的时光。

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夜幕降临,华灯初上,长沙这座千年古城在夜晚展现出别样的魅力。在这座城市的夜晚,有一个地方成为了许多人热衷前往的“桑拿乐园”——那就是位于市中心的人民公园。在这里,一场独特的夜生活体验之旅即将开启。 长沙夜晚的桑拿乐园,不仅是一个休闲娱乐的好去处,更是一个集合了美食、娱乐、健身等多种元素于一体的综合性场所。每当夜幕降临,这里便成了市民和游客们的聚集地。 首先,这里的桑拿设施一应俱全。从传统的土桑拿到现代化的干蒸、湿蒸、雾蒸,应有尽有。游客们可以根据自己的喜好选择合适的桑拿方式,享受一场身心放松的桑拿之旅。在高温的蒸气中,人们可以排出体内的毒素,缓解疲劳,提高免疫力。 其次,桑拿乐园内的美食也是一大亮点。从传统的湖南口味到全国各地的特色小吃,应有尽有。游客们可以一边享受桑拿,一边品尝美食,让味蕾在炎热的夜晚得到满足。 此外,桑拿乐园内的娱乐活动丰富多彩。在这里,你可以欣赏到精彩的歌舞表演,感受动感的音乐节奏;还可以参加各种游戏互动,释放压力,增进与朋友的感情。 值得一提的是,桑拿乐园内的健身设施也颇具特色。在这里,你可以进行瑜伽、普拉提等健身课程,让身心得到全面锻炼。此外,还有专业的教练团队提供一对一的健身指导,帮助你实现健康生活的目标。 夜幕下的桑拿乐园,不仅是一个休闲放松的好去处,更是一个社交平台。在这里,你可以结识来自五湖四海的朋友,分享彼此的故事,拓展人脉。每当夜深人静,这里仍然热闹非凡,成为长沙夜晚一道独特的风景线。 当然,享受夜生活也要注意安全。在桑拿乐园,游客们要遵守相关规定,注意防火、防滑,确保自身安全。同时,也要尊重他人,维护公共秩序,共同营造一个和谐的夜晚。 总之,长沙夜晚的桑拿乐园,是一场独特的夜生活体验之旅。在这里,你可以尽情释放压力,享受生活,感受这座城市的独特魅力。不妨在这个炎热的夏天,来一场说走就走的夜生活之旅,体验长沙夜晚桑拿乐园的独特魅力吧!

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导语:长沙,这座充满活力的城市,不仅有着丰富的历史文化,还有许多让人流连忘返的休闲场所。今天,就为大家推荐几家长沙桑拿泡澡好去处,让您在繁忙的生活中找到片刻的宁静与舒适。 一、长沙皇家温泉 长沙皇家温泉位于长沙市岳麓区,是一家集温泉、桑拿、SPA、健身、餐饮于一体的综合性休闲场所。这里拥有多个不同功能的温泉池,包括药浴池、矿泉池、儿童池等,让您在泡温泉的同时,享受健康养生。 地址:长沙市岳麓区岳麓大道88号 二、长沙万达嘉华酒店 长沙万达嘉华酒店位于长沙市芙蓉区,是一家高端酒店。酒店内的桑拿中心设施齐全,设有干蒸、湿蒸、汗蒸等多种桑拿房,让您在享受桑拿的同时,放松身心,舒缓疲劳。 地址:长沙市芙蓉区芙蓉中路二段188号 三、长沙华天大酒店 长沙华天大酒店是一家具有国际水准的五星级酒店,酒店内的桑拿中心环境优雅,设施先进。在这里,您可以享受到专业的桑拿服务,让身心得到全面的放松。 地址:长沙市芙蓉区芙蓉中路一段868号 四、长沙万达广场 长沙万达广场位于长沙市雨花区,这里不仅有大型购物中心,还有一家独具特色的桑拿泡澡馆。馆内设有多种桑拿房和泡澡池,让您在忙碌的工作之余,尽情享受休闲时光。 地址:长沙市雨花区劳动东路188号 五、长沙万达嘉华酒店(岳麓店) 长沙万达嘉华酒店(岳麓店)位于长沙市岳麓区,酒店内的桑拿中心环境舒适,设施齐全。在这里,您可以享受到专业的桑拿服务,让身心得到全面的放松。 地址:长沙市岳麓区岳麓大道9号 总结:以上推荐的几家长沙桑拿泡澡好去处,都是当地知名的休闲场所。在这里,您不仅可以享受到舒适的泡澡体验,还可以结识新朋友,拓展人脉。赶快行动起来,为自己寻找一个放松身心的好去处吧!

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