However, not everyone in Zhan Ji wants to exert the power of halberd, so he must first know all ten kinds of weapons and then get the message of ten kinds of weapons stunts before he can qualify for halberd.

Ye Tiangen didn’t teach him how to defend, and he didn’t teach him how to avoid Buddy. The only thing he needs to do is to attack crazily, that is, he can best defend and avoid different specialties. This is Ye Tiannian.
Of course, hidden weapons is not absolutely, but all the difficulties encountered in the battle before the real practice of halberd method must be solved by halberd method. Only by constantly discovering the shortcomings of halberd method can the shortcomings of halberd method be made up, and Zhan Ji’s power can be brought to the limit. Ye Tian Baggio returned to the table next to the venue and sat down one after another. Looking up, Badi was still waving a dark black iron epee and waving it constantly.
Thinking for a day, Patty was called to come over and heard that Patty would dance the condom. Then he quickly ran over, grabbed the table cup and poured it into his mouth.
Drink the water with ease, Buddy, and wipe the water mark on your mouth. Master Avenue, why don’t you practice?
Sign for Buddy to sit down to Ye Tianping and say that it’s the day of the game. You can’t practice too much. You should save more energy for the day of the game.
Don’t bother to leave the pie mouth, the emperor proudly said, just those little shrimps don’t need my concentration to prepare the black iron sword method.
Before Bharti finished speaking, Ye Tian suddenly raised his hand and stopped Bharti’s voice. Bharti Baggio watched Ye Tianping quietly. Although I also participated in this competition, this is not an excuse for you not to work hard. I want to win the championship, but I don’t want you to release water.
Master means to hear Ye Tian Baggio wondering
Looking at the two men calmly, Ye Tianshen said, I mean it is very simple. Everyone should not relax in this competition. It is a rare training, so many experts accompany us to practice. We should not miss this opportunity.
After a slight pause, he continued, all three of us should try our best to treat our opponents, which is the minimum quality of a martial art.
Looking at Ye Tian Ba Di Nai tunnel master with a wry smile, we also know that we shouldn’t relax, but now your strength can even overcome such a strong firepower, but you are facing a fourth-order opponent, so we can’t beat you at all.
Shook his head. Ye Tianshen said, If you can’t win, don’t try? Wu, what we want is something that seems impossible to everyone. If you can’t win, don’t try. Then you might as well go home and have a baby.
Ye Tian got up slowly and sank. Now I’m in charge of two things. It may be impossible for you two to beat me in this game.
Hearing Ye Tiandi’s words, Barty Baggio couldn’t help but light up his eyes. There is no doubt that Ye Tian is arduous and almost realized by law, but that’s why he should work harder.
A few days ago, Bharti Baggio lost his suspense because of the game. Even if he entered the sixth-order death fight, he could be sure to win the title of the world death fight king. Now he is competing in the fourth-order death fight.
However, after Ye Tian’s words just now, the two men finally rekindled their fighting spirit. Although they knew that daydreaming was the base to beat Ye Tian, even so, they still tried to narrow the gap as much as possible. Before Ye Tian finished the game, they had to go all out to beat Ye Tian and ask Ye Tian to make the gap as small as possible.
After a speech, Barty Baggio didn’t stop and wash for a while, and then went back to his room to rest behind closed doors. It is very important to adjust his mentality before the war.
Ye Tian was no exception. He returned to his room early and told Sia Essien not to disturb them.
The second day early in the morning, Ye Bati and his two men wore scarlet King Dou Huang armor and a King Dou Huang cloak to meet a sapphire armor and a sapphire cloak. Baggio and his three men rushed to the headquarters of the Death Fighting Association together.
In West Asia, Essien split up. After all, the three of them are too dazzling. They are very troublesome together and are likely to cause unnecessary problems.
Walking in the street, the figure of three people has attracted much attention. Among the three people, Baggio is wearing the world’s fighting king armor, and Badi is wearing the world-class fighting runner-up fighting jihad armor. Compared with Ye Tian, wearing the most inconspicuous is a regional fighting king armor, but he is the biggest favorite of the world’s fighting king, and his influence is very strong in Baggio Badi.
In another city, three people may not provoke too much attention, but you should know that this is the headquarters of the Death Fighting Federation and the Death Fighting City. There are no more dazzling stars in this city than these three people.
Everyone cried with excitement when they saw the three people, but no one dared to lean over. You know, Baggio or Bhatti, although they are really stars, they are death stars, and they dare to harass people at the headquarters of the Death Fighting Association. They are all killed on the spot.
Along the way, the crowd shouted that the three of them strode into the headquarters of the Death Fight Company, where the World Death Fight King Challenge will be held.
As soon as they entered the gate of the headquarters, the three men raised their heads and looked at the cards in the past. The cards are the latest odds, and statisticians can choose the betting target according to this data.
Look carefully, Ye Tian’s odds have actually changed from losing one to losing five to losing one Baggio’s odds have changed from losing one to losing one, and Badi has changed from losing one to losing ten.
How about smiling at Ye Bati’s low road? Do you really need us to release water? You can think about it. If you lose, we will all play Shui Piao.
Ye Tian didn’t answer anything with a smile, but his smile was enough to say everything. Even the disciples can overcome the words, so what qualifications are there to be a master?
At the entrance of the hall, three people split up. Badi went to participate in the fifth-order martial confrontation. Baggio participated in the sixth-order martial confrontation, while Ye Tian participated in the fourth-order fight.
Besides Baggio Bhatti, Ye Tian entered the fourth-order fight lounge. After all, it is the headquarters lounge. At this moment, hundreds of martial arts in scarlet armor are gathered here. These are the emperors who came to 18 cities to fight in different venues.
Eighteen cities belong to 18 different countries, so they can come here. Everyone is the strongest person in a country, and they all sit in their seats silently, neither talking to each other nor staring at each other.
It can be said that once you participate in the death fight, it is doomed that your opponents are mortal enemies. After a game, either you die or I die.
Quietly waiting for the game is finally coming. With the notice of the workers, people have entered the waiting seat along the hole gate. Once fighting, everyone can hand in the cards at any time to participate in the challenge.
The first field is that last year, the King of Death Fighting at this level looked at the golden armor hand of Jin Jian samurai Ye Tian and couldn’t help but take a deep breath. The game is coming.
There is no doubt that the fourth-order Wind Warrior is very advantageous because of the difference in fighting skills. The diameter of the venue is ten meters. Due to the lack of large-scale attack on fighting skills, the speed of Wind Warrior will bring them great advantages.
However, by the sixth order or so, the water warrior is more dominant. At this stage, the strange fighting skill and freezing ability are more advantageous.
When we get to the stage, it will be a fire day. Because the diameter of the venue is 10 meters, the fire warrior can cover almost every attack, which is too cheap.

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