
"I ask you now, just master you have heard! Anyone who reports correctly can enter our Wuji town and live a stable life without becoming a refugee, and also enjoy a house and a beauty. Start now. "
The first chapter. The fall of Bawangzhai
Ps: Er Geng, the manuscript has been saved! Hey, hey, ask for a ticket again!
When JiFan woke up again, JiQingqing and Liu Er sat on the bed and looked at him with red eyes and tears in their eyes. .
Ji Qingqing jumped up and cried: "Brother, my mother left me, so you can’t leave me again! Brother. "
Ji Fan patted Ji Qingqing on the shoulder with a calm face and said, "Qingqing can rest assured that my brother will be fine. Your brother and I will find that mixed boy of Jilu to beat him up severely. Let him abandon Qingqing and run to the plain. "
Ji Qingqing pouted and cried more fiercely.
JiFan calmly patted him on the shoulder, but his eyes looked at Liu Er.
14-year-old Liu Er obviously suffered a lot of crying, and her face turned yellow, but as long as she was nourished, she would be fine.
Ji Fan said, "Thank you!"
Liu Er smiled shyly and bowed her head.
Wang Qiang winked and ran over and said, "Brother, Jijiazhuang is going to be flattened, and only your room is left. Let’s go!"
JiFan heavy nodded and got up.
Pingyuan chengxia
A refugee’s brother-in-law of the Ji family ran to the gate of Pingyuan, yelling, "I’m a disciple of the Ji family. Take me to see Wu Taishou quickly. Jijiazhuang was flattened by Jifan!
The deer guarding the city was shocked all over! Don’t look away at once.
Vibration in my heart!
Brother Fan! I cann’t believe it. . . Jijiazhuang has been flattened. . . At least 1000 soldiers are needed. . . Not the kui is a brother!
—————————— dividing line
In Wuji town.
Ji Fan, Ji Qingqing, Liu Er, Liu Ying, Zhen Fu, and Lu Boyan, Lu Xun. Bow down at the grave.
For a long time, they got up and went back to the hall.
JiFan nodded to Lu Xun, he said.
"Here is the large mountain range that has been wiped out around. Wang Qiang, bring your information."
"Bawang Village, Jiuniu Village and Wuzhai Village. . . There are eighteen large-scale Hope Villages. Brother Lu put it away! " Wang Qiang flattering pass information.
Lu Xun looked funny after the result, began to allocate. "Zhu Huan will give priority to, wargo, butyl as lieutenant with 800! Set out at once, the actor will draw up the starting route, and Xun Yu will arrange the hay and armament. What did the master add! "
Ji Fan waved and said, "You did a good job."
A trace of worry in Xun Yu’s eyes flashed and disappeared.
-dividing line-
In the jungle under the overlord stronghold, there are hundreds of unparalleled troops lurking, glancing at the overlord stronghold.
Zhang Hao satisfactory check again the defensive measures at the gate of the shanzhai, Zhang Haozheng ready to go to the shanzhai patrol, suddenly there was a charge from the direction of the foot of the mountain.
Zhang Hao hurriedly walked quickly to the door of the cottage, but here is his shelter, finally survived the snowstorm, but nothing can happen again. Looking in the direction of the foot of the mountain, I saw a lot of enemy troops popping up at the foot of the mountain.
Everyone has a sabre, a pike, an iron shield or a longbow.
"Hum! Hundreds of soldiers want to attack my overlord stronghold! " Zhang Hao snorted, and immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare defensive measures, and ordered the soldiers in the stronghold to gather. Zhang Hao smiled contemptuously. Two thousand beats one thousand. He doesn’t have to mix!
Soon, the enemy at the foot of the mountain has rushed up, in front of the stronghold array, Zhu Huan, wargo, Ding Feng are lined up in armor standing in the front of the army. Looking at the gate of the shanzhai, there was already an army of thieves waiting for battle. Zhu Huan just smiled and shouted at the shanzhai in front: "Zhang Hao! Come out and answer! "
Zhang Hao, who was already waiting at the gate of the cottage, went straight to the front and shouted, "Fight if you want, don’t talk nonsense."
Wargo took a sip and immediately waved at the enemy behind him, shouting, "Very good! Boys! Array ready! "
As Wargo commanded, eight hundred people immediately began to change, and quickly walked to the front of Zhu Huan and others, lined up in two rows. Zhang Hao far see the two rows of the enemy, immediately the pupil of the eyes is a shrink, cheek is also a convulsion. Zhang Hao clearly saw that in the hands of the eight hundred enemies, it turned out to be all longbows and arrows!
That’s right! Is the unparalleled archer!
Looking at these archers in front of him, Wargo smiled, pulled out the long sword at his waist and shouted at the archers who were ready in front: "All of them! Bow and arrow! The target is directly in front of the enemy camp! Get ready! Shoot! " As the last word of Wargo suddenly and violently shot out of his mouth, the long sword in Wargo’s hand forcibly pointed forward, and the arrows in the hands of archers also shot forward quickly, bringing out a dense sound of surprises.
On the other hand, on this side of the overlord stronghold, let alone archers, most of the foot soldiers don’t even have armor, let alone shields. In the face of these intensive arrows, the soldiers can only find camp gates and fences as cover to avoid.
Only a few elite soldiers held up shields in front of Zhang Hao, and watched the enemy’s first round of bow and arrow attack directly kill more than 200 foot soldiers in the overlord village, but Zhang Hao gritted his teeth with anger.
Wargo, on the other hand, didn’t satisfy this success. He tutted a few times, and Wargo shouted at the unparalleled archer in front: "Continue to attack! No one is allowed to stop until I stop! "
The unparalleled foot soldiers continue to take an arrow, bend a bow, shoot an arrow, take an arrow, bend a bow and shoot an arrow without feeling!
Yet shrieks spread to come out from the cottage, and everyone who listened stood up with goose bumps.
This is not a fight! This is a massacre!

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在我国繁华的长沙,桑拿文化早已深入人心,成为人们休闲娱乐、放松身心的首选之地。而位于长沙市中心的“小天鹅”桑拿馆,以其独特的服务、舒适的设施和优雅的环境,成为众多追求高品质生活人士的聚集地。近日,我有幸体验了这家桑拿馆,带您一同感受这场身心放松的奢华之旅。 一、环境优雅,独具特色 步入小天鹅桑拿馆,首先映入眼帘的是那宽敞明亮的大厅,高贵典雅的装饰让人仿佛置身于奢华的宫殿。馆内分为多个区域,包括桑拿房、休息区、茶室、健身房等,满足不同顾客的需求。值得一提的是,桑拿馆的装修风格以中式为主,融入了现代元素,营造出一种独特的东方韵味。 二、服务周到,细致入微 小天鹅桑拿馆的服务团队专业、热情,让人倍感温馨。从顾客踏入馆内那一刻起,服务员便亲切地迎接,引导顾客办理手续。在桑拿过程中,服务员会细心地为顾客准备毛巾、拖鞋等用品,并随时关注顾客的需求,确保顾客在享受桑拿的同时,感受到家一般的关怀。 三、桑拿设施齐全,种类丰富 小天鹅桑拿馆的桑拿设施一应俱全,包括干蒸房、湿蒸房、玉石床、按摩池等。其中,玉石床更是独具特色,采用天然玉石打造,具有清热解毒、活血化瘀的功效。在享受桑拿的过程中,顾客可以根据自己的需求选择不同的房型,让身心得到全面的放松。 四、美食佳饮,助您畅享桑拿之旅 小天鹅桑拿馆设有专门的茶室,提供各类茶饮、咖啡、点心等美食佳饮。在桑拿过程中,顾客可以尽情品尝,为身心补充能量。此外,茶室还设有舒适的沙发和茶几,供顾客休息、聊天,让桑拿之旅更加惬意。 五、健身娱乐,丰富您的休闲生活 小天鹅桑拿馆还设有健身房,提供各类健身器材,满足顾客锻炼身体的需求。在桑拿之余,顾客可以在这里挥洒汗水,释放压力。此外,馆内还定期举办各类活动,如瑜伽、舞蹈、讲座等,丰富顾客的休闲生活。 总之,小天鹅桑拿馆以其优雅的环境、周到的服务、齐全的设施和丰富的活动,成为长沙桑拿文化的代表。在这里,您将度过一场身心放松的奢华之旅,焕发活力,重拾生活的美好。如果您还在为寻找一家合适的桑拿馆而烦恼,不妨来小天鹅体验一番,相信它会成为您休闲生活的新宠。

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近日,长沙某桑拿店发生了一起诈骗事件,引起了社会广泛关注。据了解,该事件涉及多名消费者,涉案金额高达数万元。这起诈骗事件再次提醒我们,在消费过程中要警惕消费陷阱,提高警惕,共同守护消费者权益。 据了解,这起诈骗事件发生在长沙一家桑拿店。事发当天,店员向消费者推荐了一款所谓的“会员卡”,声称购买会员卡可以享受店内消费折扣,并赠送一定金额的现金券。在店员的热情推荐下,多名消费者纷纷购买了会员卡,并支付了数千元不等。 然而,当消费者使用会员卡消费时,却发现所谓的折扣和现金券并不存在。店员则以各种理由推脱,甚至拒绝退款。消费者意识到自己上当受骗后,纷纷向有关部门投诉。 警方接到报案后,迅速展开调查。经过调查,警方发现该桑拿店涉嫌诈骗。店员以虚假宣传、虚构事实等手段,诱使消费者购买会员卡,骗取消费者钱财。目前,涉案人员已被警方抓获,案件正在进一步审理中。 这起诈骗事件给消费者带来了严重的经济损失,同时也对社会造成了不良影响。那么,如何避免类似的诈骗事件再次发生呢? 首先,消费者在购买商品或服务时,要充分了解相关法律法规,提高自身维权意识。在签订合同或购买会员卡时,要仔细阅读条款,了解会员权益、退款政策等信息。 其次,消费者要增强辨别能力,警惕虚假宣传。对于店员夸大宣传、虚构事实的行为,要保持警惕,不要轻信。 再次,消费者要选择正规、信誉良好的商家进行消费。在选择桑拿店等消费场所时,要了解其经营资质、口碑等信息,避免进入陷阱。 最后,消费者在遇到消费纠纷时,要及时向有关部门投诉,维护自身合法权益。同时,也要积极向身边的朋友、家人宣传消费维权知识,共同提高消费安全意识。 总之,这起长沙桑拿店诈骗事件给我们敲响了警钟。在消费过程中,我们要时刻保持警惕,提高自身维权意识,共同守护消费者权益。只有这样,才能让我们的生活更加美好。

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在这个快节奏的城市里,人们渴望找到一处能够放松身心、享受二人世界的私密空间。长沙,这座历史文化名城,近年来悄然兴起了一种新型的休闲方式——恋人共享桑拿。这种独特的桑拿体验,不仅能够帮助情侣们缓解压力,还能增进彼此的感情,成为都市恋人之间的一道别致风景线。 长沙恋人共享桑拿私密空间,位于长沙市一家高端酒店内,占地面积约200平方米。这里设有多个独立的小房间,每个房间都配有舒适的桑拿床、按摩椅以及独立的空调系统,确保每位顾客都能在私密的环境中尽情享受。 走进这个充满浪漫气息的桑拿空间,首先映入眼帘的是温馨的装饰和柔和的灯光。在这里,情侣们可以放下生活中的疲惫,尽情享受二人世界的美好时光。桑拿房内的温度适中,湿度适宜,让恋人们在蒸腾的水汽中放松身心,释放压力。 在共享桑拿私密空间,恋人可以共同体验以下项目: 1. 桑拿蒸浴:桑拿蒸浴有助于扩张毛孔,促进血液循环,排除体内毒素。在桑拿房内,恋人可以一边享受蒸浴,一边聊天,增进彼此的了解。 2. 按摩放松:桑拿房内设有专业的按摩椅,恋人可以在此互相按摩,缓解疲劳,增进感情。 3. 美容养颜:桑拿蒸浴后,皮肤毛孔扩张,此时进行美容护肤,效果更佳。恋人可以共同享受美容师的专业护理,让肌肤焕发青春光彩。 4. 个性化定制:为了满足不同情侣的需求,共享桑拿私密空间还提供个性化定制服务。恋人可以根据自己的喜好,选择不同的香薰、音乐、饮品等,打造专属的浪漫氛围。 在长沙恋人共享桑拿私密空间,情侣们不仅可以享受舒适的环境和专业的服务,还能体验到以下特色: 1. 安全卫生:为了保证每位顾客的隐私和健康,桑拿房内设有严格的消毒流程,确保环境清洁卫生。 2. 贴心服务:工作人员会根据顾客的需求,提供贴心的服务,如免费提供毛巾、浴巾、洗发水、沐浴露等。 3. 优质环境:共享桑拿私密空间地处繁华地段,交通便利,周边设施齐全,为情侣们提供了一个舒适的休闲场所。 总之,长沙恋人共享桑拿私密空间为都市恋人提供了一个独特的休闲方式。在这里,情侣们可以放下生活的重担,共同享受浪漫的时光,让感情更加深厚。在这个充满爱意的空间里,让我们一起度过美好的时光,让爱情在桑拿的蒸腾中绽放。

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